Frequently Asked Questions
Call to make an appointment:
When is the best time of year to test my child?
The state of North Carolina requires that a nationally standardized test be administer to all registered homeschool children once every school year. The state, however, does not require the test to be administered at any particular time of the year, but it may matter to you as the teacher. You should pick a time that will give you the information you want to know. Do you want it to work like an EOG (End of Grade test)? - then schedule in May or early June. Do you want time to make some changes before the school year is out? - then schedule in February or March. Do you want to see what your kids have retained over the summer? - then test in July or August. Do you school year round? - then test in November or December or in the middle of July. I hope you are getting the point - test when you want to. Just make sure to do it every year.
How far in advance do I need to make my appointment?
If you want to test in the Spring you will need to call a month or two in advance. However, I do not make any Spring appointments until February. Other times of the year it is easier to make appointments with short notice. To check availability any time, just call at 704-394-2165 to schedule in Charlotte with Misty Spinelli or 704-663-6243 for Sydney Smith in Mooresville. Do not text and please leave a message if you get the machine.
How many kids can test at once?
The Woodcock-Johnson IV is an individually given test, but there are 3 components of the test which students can take at the same time. I can test a family with up to 4 kids in the same afternoon. They just have to wait on each other as they take the individual parts of the test.
When do I get may test results?
Immediately after your child is finished testing. I work diligently to take notes and score your child as they test. You will set down with me to go over all my notes and the computer print out as soon as they are done. You will go home with all the assessments in hand and the knowledge of what they mean.
How long does the test take?
Every child is different in their speed and ability, but normally students are done within 1.5 hours, if the standard 9 batteries test is administered. A few more minutes are spent going over the scores with parents - usually 15 or so. Extended consultations are usually 45 mins. - 1 hour in length.
Can you help me get started homeschooling?
Yes. You may schedule an appointment for Misty to help you get started by picking curricula, understanding the law, developing a philosophy and a plan of action, and much more. This appointment can be accompanied with an assessment of your student(s) so that we both understand exactly where they are academically and what skills they have mastered. This test will also give you a baseline of where your student started so you can compare their results at the end of the school year. Click here for more information.
Can you help me decide if I should homeschool?
Yes. The easiest way to make that decision is to attend one of our How to Get Started Homeschooling Seminars. They are given once a month in our Charlotte location. You can register by emailing growingscholars@aol.com. Click here for more information.
Can you pass my child to the next grade?
No, I cannot. That is your job. You are the administrator/instructor of your school and only you can decide if your student should move to a higher grade. (Grades do not really matter in homeschooling until your student is old enough to work on high school credits.)
Can my child test out of a high school subject?
No, not using a nationally standardized test. High school credits are earned by doing the work (150-180 hours) or successfully completing a high school level course. I do, however, offer help in planning high school, developing transcripts and much more. Click here for more info.